Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Depending on where the hemorrhoids are located, the symptoms can vary. Many people do not feel internal hemorrhoids at all, and in some cases, blood in the stool may be their only symptom. You may have a lot of itchiness and pain with external hemorrhoids. The following article offers some helpful information about hemorrhoids and cures.
Try using a gentle cream occasionally. These products don't actually cure the problem; instead they're just a band-aid solution. Consult with a physician if you wish to use them for longer than seven days. Using these too often can cause more pain, especially if they are used more often than allowed.
Believe it or not, you don't have to venture out farther than your kitchen in order to find some reliable hemorrhoid relief. One simple remedy is an old-fashioned ice pack. Ice packs help reduce hemorrhoid-related soreness. Ice packs made from home can decrease hemorrhoids swelling when they are put on the area that's affected.
Hemorrhoids are a lot like chicken pox in that they can make you crazy trying to avoid scratching them. You must fight the urge to scratch so that you do not tear them open. The infection you can develop from a damaged hemorrhoid will cause you even more discomfort!
A spoonful of grape seed oil can reduce the swelling and the pain that often comes with hemorrhoids. This will naturally kill infections in your veins and stop hemorrhoid bleeding.
If you are prone to getting hemorrhoids, then you want to be sure that you are drinking enough water. Staying hydrated will keep your stools softer. Caffeine and alcohol consumption should be limited.
In order to alleviate discomfort and swelling, sit in a lukewarm tub of water as often as necessary. Sitting in about six or twelve inches of some lukewarm water can reduce discomfort and increase blood flow if you've got hemorrhoids. Try putting your knees up when you sit down. Make sure to get out if the water begins to feel cool.
You can loosen your stools by drinking aloe vera. If you find that it tastes nasty, adding a bit of apple juice can help. Before drinking the juice, however, you should carefully read the directions and drink only the recommended dosage. Drinking excessive amounts of Aloe Vera is likely to cause stomach pain and discomfort.
If you have hemorrhoids, lifting heavy objects will inflame your swollen veins. Anything you do that adds more pressure on those swollen veins can cause them to swell more and could make you very uncomfortable.
There are a number of foods that are effective when trying to reduce or cure the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Whole grains and natural cereals are very good. You should also eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. Eat foods that contain a lot of dietary fiber. You will be more comfortable the better you eat.
Some may find it comical, but a cushion is a great solution to circumvent hemorrhoid discomfort. You might feel awkward using it while at work, but when you're at home or just riding around in the car, this method can help decrease a lot of the pain you feel, which will make your life much easier for you.
Be sure to choose whole wheat bread and other whole grain products instead of processed grains to improve digestion and elimination. It also prevents itching and irritation elsewhere on your body. When making your sandwiches, choose wheat bread and bypass white versions.
Practicing thorough bathroom hygiene habits decrease your chances of getting external hemorrhoids. Choose a soft toilet paper and use moistened wipes after your bowel movements.
Use a stool softener regularly if you have hemorrhoids. If you are forced to push extremely hard when trying to pass a bowel movement, you are going to cause a great deal of pain and maybe even make yourself more susceptible to even more problems.
Be careful not to use scented hygiene products if you have hemorrhoids. Any kind of fragrance, oil or dye can irritate your hemorrhoids further. These products can cause your hemorrhoids to sting, itch or swell.
The symptoms of hemorrhoids were covered at the beginning of this article. External and internal hemorrhoids can produce different symptoms and levels of pain and can be easy to tell apart because of this. By following the advice of this article, you can learn more about prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids.

NOTE: Please visit our hemorrhoids treatment and cure website for more tips and information

Monday, August 20, 2012


It is not uncommon for pregnant women to suffer from hemorrhoids during the second and third trimesters. This is caused by increased pressure on their blood vessels of the pelvic region. When labor starts the problem can get worse. Continue on for some helpful hemorrhoid cures and treatment advice, so you can prevent this painful condition from happening to you.
Increase your daily intake of water. This is the best way to prevent hemorrhoids from developing. Constipation is a leading cause for hemorrhoids, and water is a great solution for that problem. It will also keep your body cleansed. Shoot for at least eight glasses each day.
Donut cushions can offer great relief, if you are experiencing hemorrhoids. This is a cushion designed to conform to your behind, so you can be in as much comfort as possible when those hemorrhoids flare up. You sit on this cushion, and you will then be much more comfortable and relaxed than just sitting elsewhere without the added cushioning.
If you are a hemorrhoid sufferer, it is important for you to find a successful stool softener. Pushing unnecessarily during bowel movements can increase the pain and lead to more complications.
If you are suffering from hemorrhoids, do not rely on certain laxatives to help you relieve constipation! Such products are meant to produce just a single bowel movement. Dietary changes are a better long term strategy to hemorrhoid treatment and management.
Ointments and creams can do a lot to help alleviate any pain you have with hemorrhoids. There are several on the market which you can get at the nearest drugstore. Although they won't cure hemorrhoids, by numbing the affected area they will provide temporary relief from the burning and itching. Do not continue to use this method for longer than one week.
Witch hazel is an excellent way to treat the discomfort that goes along with hemorrhoids. Witch hazel has astringent properties, which causes the hemorrhoids to shrink and heal more quickly. Use cotton balls to apply witch hazel, and allow it to sit on the affected area for somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes, or simply pour some into your sitz bath.
If you have hemorrhoids, use lemon in your water. Lemon offers soothing properties and can lessen any irritation caused by hemorrhoids. A simple glass or two of lemon water throughout the day can leave you feeling great.
You want to make sure you get yourself checked out by a physician, just so you know exactly what you're dealing with. There are much more serious causes of bloody stools, such as cancer, which should be ruled out. Move forward by having a doctor diagnose the condition. By knowing precisely what you are dealing with, you can start to address the problem.
Hemorrhoids can be compared to chicken pox; both are very irritating and cause a lot of itchiness. It can be hard to not scratch them, but if you do, you can further irritate them. The infection you can develop from a damaged hemorrhoid will cause you even more discomfort!
While a laxative can help you get through a particularly tough spell of hemorrhoids, do not lean on laxatives as a cure. Laxatives can help you through a rough patch, but they should not be used for any length of time.
Natural remedies offer great relief from hemorrhoid pain and help you to save money. Try soaking in a sitz bath for about 15 minutes, especially right after you have had a bowel movement. Although the desire to scratch your itchy hemorrhoids can seem irresistible, avoid indulging as it can greatly exacerbate the problem.
The introduction to this article related the fact that hemorrhoids tend to appear more frequently during the last two trimesters of pregnancy, and can be exacerbated during the process of labor. Staying relaxed, drinking water and eating fiber are several measures that you can take to prevent the formation of hemorrhoids. By using the cures and treatment information offered here, you may reduce hemorrhoids and their symptoms.

NOTE: Please visit our hemorrhoids treatment and cure website for more tips and information

Friday, June 22, 2012


There are many natural treatments that are recommended for hemorrhoids, such as increased fiber intake and analgesics. If your hemorrhoids are really severe, talk to your doctor to see if surgery is something that might be recommended. You can get a better grip on how you can take care of hemorrhoids when they strike, and understand why they do.
Witch hazel is great for hemorrhoids. This astringent can be picked up at many pharmacies and stores in your area. Use a small dose of witch hazel on your hemorrhoids to reduce the bleeding and swelling.
When you ingest grape seed oil, you help decrease the swelling and pain associated with hemorrhoids. The bleeding can be halted as your increased immunity attacks infections that may have contributed to the buildup of hemorrhoids.
Hydration is very important in the relief and prevention of hemorrhoids. When you do not drink enough water, you will lose it from your faeces. Doing this makes your stool harder, which makes bowel movements very painful. You can avoid the potentially excruciating condition of dehydration and even hemorrhoids by taking in a steady supply of water.
Add lemon juice to your water if you want to help your hemorrhoids. Lemon offers soothing properties and can lessen any irritation caused by hemorrhoids. Drink lemon water often to improve the way that you feel during the day!
To get relief from hemorrhoids, you can try eating more whole wheat products. Consuming whole wheat bread can also give red, irritated skin some relief. Next time you're preparing a sandwich, grab the whole wheat bread instead of refined white bread.
A donut cushion can alleviate the pain of sitting, when you're in the midst of a bad hemorrhoid flare up. This cushion is designed specifically to provide maximum comfort for your bottom. You sit on this cushion, and you will then be much more comfortable and relaxed than just sitting elsewhere without the added cushioning.
Olive oil is an effective home treatment you can try to deal with your hemorrhoids. Olive oil has been shown to reduce both the itching and swelling of hemorrhoids. However, you should only use olive oil externally. Olive oil is not recommended for use with internal hemorrhoids.
If you don't eat enough fruits and vegetables, take fiber supplements. Space out the times that you take fiber supplements and accompany them with as much as eight glasses of water.
Hemorrhoids can be caused by straining excessively during bowel movements. Eating less processed food and drinking lots of water will make your stools softer, and thus require less straining to pass. Squatting can also help in passing bowel movements without straining. When you are on the toilet, put a short stool underneath your feet. In certain places in the world, people squat when having a bowel movement. It is in these locations that people rarely suffer from hemorrhoids.
If you have hemorrhoids, you should find a stool softener that you can take on a regular basis. Overexerting yourself when pushing out a bowel movement will create a lot of pain for you, and perhaps make yourself more vulnerable to future problems.
Never rely on laxatives as a method of remedying hemorrhoids, as they are not meant to be taken on an ongoing basis. While it is acceptable to use laxatives periodically for relief of constipation, taking them does little to prevent hemorrhoids from forming.
Lifting heavy objects could make your hemorrhoids feel worse. The swollen veins of your hemorrhoids will swell even more if they are put under pressure. The more the veins swell, the more pain they will produce.
When your hemorrhoids itch, it is sometimes tempting to scratch them. No matter how much you want to scratch, you should resist the temptation in order to avoid opening the hemorrhoid. If they get opened for any reason, they will be far more painful and susceptible to bacterial infection.
As previously discussed, there are many effective treatments and cures for painful symptoms of hemorrhoid attacks. Remember, surgery is only recommended in the worst hemorrhoid cases. When you learn what causes you pain, you can also learn what to do to prevent that and you can actually help halt any chance you have of an outbreak.

NOTE: Please visit our hemorrhoids treatment and cure website for more tips and information